Monday, July 30, 2007

Who do I look like?

Neither Kieran nor I can tell whether Callum looks like either of us, so we decided on a vote. Other people seem to have more of an eye for these things so we want everyone to look closely and vote with your heart! Who does Callum look like, his mama or his papa?


Julie said...

Um, a perfect combination of the both of you is my answer and I'm sticking to it. It would help if you guys wouldn't smile, but, rather, look a little dazed and confused as to why the world is suddenly so bright and loud and airy.
P.s. He's ridiculously cute (as are both of you) and I love his little lips. And you're out of the "Fourth Trimester!" Congratulations!

Drea said...

I'd need to see the milkman to make an accurate assessment.

But yes... first off, he's a total babe so I'll chalk that up to Kieran (humina humina). Secondly, he has perfect skin and shiny hair, so I'll throw that in Melissa's corner. Her nose, Kieran's brow bone and cheekbones, her lip shape, his bum.

Just a guess on that last one, incidentally.