Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm 16 weeks OLD!

The weather has taken a major cold turn as you can tell by our little man's outfits. But, no more 90 degree weather means we are taking lots more walks and accruing lots of neighborhood admirers. But, dealing with fans is just something Callum is going to have to get used to. These days we can do lots of sitting up (propped against a chair or couch) and are enjoying the view from a forward-facing baby bjorn. We are doing more talking and have learned how to scream so loud that we surprise even ourselves!


Julie said...

Scarves and hats in August? What's up in Jersey? Cal, you're looking pretty gorgeous, little dude.

Julie said...
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Jove said...

We spent a week at my grandparent's cabin and I got to pull out my hoodies and sweatpants, comfy and cozy ... it is a good time to cuddle even closer when the weather gets chilly, just wait though it gets even worse.