Sunday, November 4, 2007

Six Months Old!!!

It's hard for us to believe but it is indeed true...Callum is six months old already. His little, sparkling personality is beginning to shine through and everyday we are amazed at how he is growing from a baby to a little man with preferences and desires of his own. He is eating pears, bananas, prunes, applesauce, carrots, peas, sweet potato, squash, oatmeal and rice cereal with gusto. He is able to sit up on his own for short periods of time and loves to explore everything with his mouth. He has smiles and laughs in spades, especially for his mom and dad. He'd still rather be awake than sleeping but it's getting better. He's growing (out mostly) like a weed with the belly of a buddha and the rosy cheeks of a true Irishman. He has started to spend time at daycare and charm everyone who works there while making friends with other little buddies. And, all of that accomplished in just half a year. That's our little guy.


Drea said...

Happy half year of life birthday, Callum! So cute and drooly and sweet and perfect...

Congrats to Ma & Pa for doing such a good job so far, too!

Julie said...

Happy 6 Months, Sweet Cal! And, I'll second that, Drea: Cheers to you, Mama y Papa. You're doing something right--he seems pretty jolly and healthy, that one!

e said...

happy .5 Callum!!!