Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend

This weekend we visited Grandma and Grandad Crowley in Pennsylvania. Callum had a great time cruising around their house with so much more room to roam he was on fire. We also found time to slip into Philadelphia and visit friends Elizabeth and Salvatore at a yummy Philly cafe. Cal is so lucky to have so many friends. Of course, this exictement was a bit tempered when we woke up on St. Patrick's Day with a ferocious ear infection, so bad his eyes were stuck shut with mucus. Needless to say, this little Irishman didn't feel much of the luck of the Irish.


Jove said...

Callum, are you reading a book on trains? I recognize the corner of a book in one of your pics. Love your outfit, love you and sorry to hear about the nasty ear infection.

Jove said...

Callum, are you reading a book about trains? I recognize the corner of a book in one of your pics. Love the outfit, love you and sorry to hear about your nasty ear infection.

Julie said...

So funny--I totally noticed the train book, too. It used to be one of Winona's favs and I never really understood why. Looks like the Gammijos need to have a book club as their literary interests seem to be in sync.

Love the outfit, Callum. How DO you stay so put together and clean?