Monday, June 2, 2008


Cal's new word is Uh-oh, it sometimes comes out more like Uh-Ah-Oh but is usually just a one hyphen word. It is much more fun to say that Mama or DaDa and is used mostly when we purposely drop food off the edge of the high chair or toys off the edge of the changing table Sometimes it's used for no reason at all.

The other major development in Cal's world is the forward facing car seat, hence the picture above. Woah, man! Car rides are fun now. It used to be the car ride was torture until we started driving and then it became tolerable. NOW getting in the car is fun because we can see more than the seat. Our primary reaction is to repeat "OH" over and over again while point at cars and birds and trees and who knows what else.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Welcome to the forward facing world, Cal! Now you can throw cheerios at the driver.