Monday, July 21, 2008

Farm Antics

It was our weekend to pick up vegetables at the farm. We left early to beat the heat and arrived just as about half a dozen other kids descended onto the shaded play area that we always enjoy (parents with the same thinking about mixing kids and high humidity and high heat). Many were older but a few were just about C's age.
Cal had a great time watching and playing with the other kids and impressing them with his great walking skills. He declined several invitations from one very forward little girl that kept inviting him into the playhouse but did convey his enthusiasm for his new friends by spontaneously blowing kisses at his new friends.
They really were a good group of kids; sharing, being silly, and just loving the day. It gets a grown up thinking...maybe we should all be blowing kisses at the kind, fun-loving, nice people that we run into on a surprising summer morning.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a heartbreaker, this one. My god is he darling--and nice haircut, too! Well done, Kieran--having braved the road of toddler haircutting and ending up in the salon to fix the, er, bangs, I have to say that I'm impessed.