Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sweet Habits

Oh, there are so many but these are a few that I don't want to forget.
1) When he wakes up instead of crying, most mornings, he says "Mama. Mama." to let us know he is up and ready for milk.

2) He randomly will run over and hugs our legs, especially if we are having lots of fun.

3) Every morning when he and Papa head out for daycare, he gives me a big kiss goodbye and then he is off.

4) When we are settling in to read a book or blow bubbles or any other 'activity', he sits down, crosses his legs, and puts his hands in his lap! It is the cutest thing. It doesn't last, of course, but the sentiment is adorable.

5) He loves to point to the iPod and request that we put music on so he can dance

6) His dancing involves really dramatic tilts back and forth, occaisionally we've worried he is going to tip over but, knock on wood, it hasn't happened yet.

7) He says thank you, it comes out 'deee doo" but he will say it when we ask.

8) If you ask him, he will help pick up his toys

9) If he likes you, he will give you his toys and stuffed animals until he doesn't have any and then has to look over at you with a look that says he's really hoping he can get some of his toys back.

10) He really, really likes the cat. He will chase her to try and pet her and tries to hug her all the time. He is always trying to share toys with her to the point that he is often running around the house after her with a truck in an outstretched arm. The cat's complete lack of interest doesn't deter him in the least.


Julie said...

So sweet. It's almost heartwrenching to capture these precious moments, isn't it? To acknowledge that one day he'll say "thank you" instead of Deeee Do, which will be great, too, but ahhhh....

Great post. I love that I feel like I know Callum. Can't wait until we really get to meet the guy.

melissa s. said...

aww what sweet memories. when my son was little he said "ah boo" for "I love you." He's 4 now, but I still make him say "ah boo" sometimes :)

thanks for the nice comment on my blog! have a good rest of the weekend!

Jessica said...

What a sweet babe you have! I'm glad you stopped over at my blog so I come come here!