Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Extravaganza

Our same "breakfast crew" got together for a holiday extravaganza weekend this saturday and sunday. It started with a cookie baking and cookie exchange on Saturday. The hostess had cooked sugar cookies for everyone to decorate and I brought a "gingerbread" house (made of graham crackers) and candies for the little ones to decorate. In the end, parents did most of the decorating while the kids played and ran all over the place. We also got to exchange cookie recipes and taste test a czech holiday cookie and Pennsylvania oatmeal special. It was great fun.

Here are Callum and I working on the gingerbread house. Anyone who knows me knows that I got way too into this little activity. Cal mostly ate Vanilla wafers and watched me toil away.
The next morning we enjoyed a holiday brunch at a different house. Again, the little munchkins mostly ran and played; sang and yelled. Good fun. I'm pretty sure, however, that despite our elaborate efforts at different activities it all seems pretty much the same to the little tikes. Running, playing, eating, and practicing motor skills.

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