Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No! Mine!

Our camera broke, first just a little bit and then completely went kaput. Good timing, right? With a kitchen nearly finished and a baby two and a half weeks away. Murphy's law.

So, no pictures. But, really anyone who knows a near-two year old toddler doesn't need a picture to capture this universal concept. Oh yes, NO and MINE have entered our home, our sidewalks, our park, and our lives. Callum has finally figured out that you don't have to choose between two options, you can scream NO! instead. Sometimes it just comes out, at nothing and directed nowhere...just an overwhelming need to assert his independence. In fact, in what has to be in the top ten of all toddler moments we overhead him yell NO! in his sleep! Ha!

1 comment:

e said...

oh we are with you here!! everything is "NO" or "MY TURN." I have a post in my head about how this reminds me of doing therapy but I haven't gotten it on paper yet. Such a funny and in many ways emotionally transparent phase.

PLEASE get a new camera before the baby comes!!