Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Our long, food-filled Thanksgiving time together was enhanced with a great visit from Grandpa Steve. He was a great sport--reading books, playing cars, answering a million questions, singing songs and running everywhere with us.

Oh, and plenty of baby holding...and nose nuzzling (our new big thing from the Corduroy books). We also got to swim in the hotel pool and enjoyed our first time in the hot tub, which was extra fun with the bubbles.

This is not to imply that the week was without mishap. Cal's favorite new activity has become playing at the sink on a step stool. Washing his hands and brushing his teeth and generally just enjoying the water. During one such adventure, we heard an ominous *click*. He had managed to lock the deadbolt lock. Very calmly Kieran spent the next 15 minutes talking him through unlocking the door "Walk your fingers up the door to the lock" while I paced frantically. He did manage to unlock it himself, thankfully, as the next best solution would have been sawing a hole in the door. Needless to say, the deadbolt has been removed and our hearts have moved back up from our stomachs. Cal, just kept humming along with no idea anything happened.

1 comment:

e said...

AH! jack locked himself in the house while we were outside not too long ago. guess it is the age! i'm impressed he got himself out!

Jude is getting so big, love the Christmas post!