Sunday, June 13, 2010


These two are changing. They are not just one kid and one baby anymore. As Jude swiftly gains his footing and his awareness of the world they are becoming brothers. It's an amazing transformation to watch. Jude laughs with Cal and makes noises to make him laugh back. It's a whole new adventure for us as parents. They are even starting to have their own games together that neither of us are involved in.
There is still plenty of crying out "Jude touched me!!!" or "AAAHHHH" (when it happens to Jude) but more and more they are starting to work a few things out and enjoy each other's company as brothers. It's not hard to envision a time when they will have a whole world that is theirs and not ours at all.

1 comment:

e said...

this makes my heart beat fast!