Thursday, July 8, 2010

Long Weekend Adventures

This past weekend, we took advantage of the long weekend to work in a few fun trips. The intense heat in these parts put a bit of a damper on things but not too much. We were determined to do a family bike ride. It was mama's first time with a kid on the back and Jude's first time ever. He loved it and Mama got over her nervousness. Callum always like the bike riding part but doesn't like the wobbly getting-going part.
Callum has been begging for a train ride so he and Mama rode to Princeton (it's a nice short, quiet trip compared to heading north toward New York) and everbody else met us there. The train ride was the highlight for Callum and he held onto his train ticket (that he didn't even really need on the weekend) as if it was made of gold.
Once we got there, we visited a coffee shop and a bookstore, ate some ice cream and drove home.

Here's everyone in front of the famous 'Princeton gates'.


Julie said...

I love the picture in the shades. He is totally turning the corner from baby to kid.

Julie said...

To BIG kid, that is.