Monday, October 11, 2010

What a Weekend!

This weekend we were doubly blessed with fantastic, fall weather and a visit from Grandma Pat and Grandpa Bill from Minnesota. The boys are both fully saturated and glowing from all the love and attention they got. Can you tell?
Callum spent the whole weekend introducing Grandma and Grandpa to his songs, his dance moves, his silly faces, his stories, and well, his world. Jude to the opportunity to show off his I NEED ATTENTION NOW scream as well as his charming smile, his independent nature, and his adorable knee-bend dancing style.
It was so nice out, we were able to venture out for an amazing hike collecting acorns, pine cones and leaves. In fact, there was so much exploration that it took three hours to hike what is probably a 1.5 mile loop. Jude is officially done with the hiking backpack and insisted on walking almost the entire time even climbing the hills so steep he had to lunge up steps reaching to his hips.

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