Monday, May 23, 2011

Good Weekend Times

This weekend was one of those spring weekends that somehow gets packed to the gills with activity. Of course, it helps that it was all local and our town measures about 3 miles by 3 miles. So, we kind of bounced around here and there.

We gathered with a crew of neighborhood kids and our trusty instruments to cheer on runners in the town's 5K race.
Here is the whole can imagine the noise these kids can make with guitars, ukelele's, maracas, harmonicas and kazoos. We were told by a runner that we were the best cheering section in the whole town...ok, ok, that runner is also somebody's dad. But, I still think we were pretty good. Callum was very dedicated and made sure to strum his guitar for every runner!

Jude took a more professorial approach and really stuck to observation.
There was also a city street fair complete with fire truck and italian ice.
And, a birthday party for one of Cal's dearest friends. Here they are pretending to play trumpet (no idea why exactly.). Now, this was not just any birthday party...this was a music party.
With our very favorite music guy from school! Cal sat as close as possible, studied every move and had the time of his life! Phew. And, all of that happened just on Sunday! I don't even remember Saturday quite frankly.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day this year we went on the same hike we've gone on for the last few years. I just love this tradition...we get a real chance to be outside together and see spring as it starts out. Callum is especially fond of this hike and gains such an immediate confidence as soon as we jump on the trail. He spends the whole walk chattering away...curious about everything and not scared of anything. He's suddenly curious about spiders, finding resting nooks in between tree roots and discussing (at length!) his strong walking muscles. He ends up walking about twice as much as the rest of us because he bounds ahead to walk back and chatter about something to bound ahead again. It's a true joy to watch.

Jude is not far behind his brother, though, he tends to want to stop and explore...particularly rocks. He has a true love of rocks and he doesn't discriminate...each and every one is amazing and interesting. Poor Kieran's pants get weighed down with so many rock treasures.
There is always a lot to explore (this is Cal's chipmunk hole!) and as the trail is perfectly flat it isn't exhausting or too strenuous so both boys can walk the whole thing with energy left for a little frisbee in a nearby field.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Birthday Party..nothing sudtle about turning 4!

When we first asked Callum what kind of birthday party he wanted he said, "I want it at our HOUSE and Mama! We have to invite everyone in my class because otherwise kids feel bad!" Now, I really appreciate that he is so thoughtful of his classmates but his class has 32 kids in it! So, we hyped up the local YMCA as much as possible and got him excited about a Y party. Phew!
In the end, there were around 20 kids and assorted siblings in a big room tumbling, jumping, limboing, dancing, and eating. There was plenty of room and, best of all, the staff do the clean up! What more could we ask for?
The kids had a great time and Callum felt like a star. The minute his friends walked in the door for the party he said "I'm 4!". Now, never mind that he has been four for a week now and we have explained it many times...he announced that he 'feels 4' now but he still felt 'three and three-quarters' last week.
Everyone needs a kazoo with their pizza, right?

These kids look a little mellow...they need some sugar. Bring on the cupcakes!

Here is a good tip: you have to bend really low for the game of limbo...even when the limbo stick is still up pretty high! Eventually, you might want to just grab the feet of the person in front of you and let them slide you under. Hey! It works!

Jude was a good sport and wasn't afraid at all to get in on the action. Go little brother!

Cal also felt extra lucky to have his Grandma and Grandad here to celebrate the madness with him! Thanks Grandma and Grandad!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Somehow, inexplicably, this guy managed to turn into a 4-year old. (Officially, he is 4 tomorrow but who wants a Monday birthday anyway?). So, we opened gifts, had a special breakfast and dinner and played at the park all in the name of four! Next week is our party with friends but for now, we did a family celebration.

He is pleased as punch with his gifts after receiving everything on his list including the play hot dog...
a wood-sided station wagon (yes, he specifically wanted this because it is the car Fozzy Bear drives in the Muppet Movie and we have Muppet mania!)

speaking of Muppet mania, he nearly fell over with excitement when he pulled Fozzy, Kermit, and Miss Piggy out of the gift bag (Thanks Grandma Pat and Grandpa Bill!).
The other birthday theme was music! He is thrilled with his fancy kazoo, ukulele, guitar and bells.
(look at this guy ROCK!)
(Thanks for the bells Grandad and Grandma Crowley! And, I love the music CD, too.)
He got the delivery truck and cherry picker of his dreams (Thanks Grandpa Steve!) And, as a great surprise, a generous gift of money from Great-Grandma, which he took the the local toy store. Ever seen a 4 year old try to decide what to buy at the toy store? It took FOREVER! But, I think it was a good lesson.