Sunday, May 1, 2011


Somehow, inexplicably, this guy managed to turn into a 4-year old. (Officially, he is 4 tomorrow but who wants a Monday birthday anyway?). So, we opened gifts, had a special breakfast and dinner and played at the park all in the name of four! Next week is our party with friends but for now, we did a family celebration.

He is pleased as punch with his gifts after receiving everything on his list including the play hot dog...
a wood-sided station wagon (yes, he specifically wanted this because it is the car Fozzy Bear drives in the Muppet Movie and we have Muppet mania!)

speaking of Muppet mania, he nearly fell over with excitement when he pulled Fozzy, Kermit, and Miss Piggy out of the gift bag (Thanks Grandma Pat and Grandpa Bill!).
The other birthday theme was music! He is thrilled with his fancy kazoo, ukulele, guitar and bells.
(look at this guy ROCK!)
(Thanks for the bells Grandad and Grandma Crowley! And, I love the music CD, too.)
He got the delivery truck and cherry picker of his dreams (Thanks Grandpa Steve!) And, as a great surprise, a generous gift of money from Great-Grandma, which he took the the local toy store. Ever seen a 4 year old try to decide what to buy at the toy store? It took FOREVER! But, I think it was a good lesson.

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