Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Magic

We have had lots of holiday-making around the house this December but one of the biggest adventures was our now-annual trip into NYC.  We take the train, see the city, visit Rockefeller Center, and then grab cupcakes.  Yum. Yum.

They boys are especially fond of the Disney characters that are out.  Cal kept telling Jude that he was going to see the "REAL Elmo".  Look at how excited they are!!

We saw lots of other important 'friends' too.

Cal actually apologized to Cookie Monster because we didn't bring him cookies! 

We did make it to Rockefeller Center, and while it thrilling the thrill lasts for about 20 seconds if you are 2 or 4 years of age.

What you can't see in this picture is the big Nutcracker in the store window, that Callum is admiring. He's learning about the Nutcracker story in his preschool and later told us that seeing the Nutcracker was his favorite part! Even better than the cupcakes.  That is not true for Mama and Papa who needed a little sugar high after all the effort involved in 'helping' two rambunctious boys navigate New York City. Phew!

{the train!!}

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