Sunday, September 23, 2012

The sliver

This summer we had an incident.  Cal hurt his finger and we knew that it was hurt badly but we thought it was simply bruised.  He was reluctant to show it to us, so we didn't have a very clear look.  We cleaned it and bandaged it and he treated it gingerly but we hoped it would get better.  

Two days later it was clear it wasn't feeling better and we started to suspect that it was still hurting pretty badly (but our boy was awfully stoic about the whole thing).  So, we went to the doctor who immediately sent us to Urgent Care.  After a terribly traumatic appointment the (completely horrible) Urgent Care doctor pulled this sliver out from under his fingernail!! It ran the length of his nail from tip to base and it must have hurt so bad.  A month later and he still hasn't grown back the whole nail (the doctor had to remove about 1/3 of the nail to get the sliver). 

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