Sunday, March 2, 2008

10 Months Old!!

The world seems to move faster these days. I find myself thinking Callum is a 9 month old baby only to realize that, in a flash, he is suddenly a month older. Hard to fathom that a full 10 months have passed. What did we ever do with our time before he came along?? I truly don't remember. At 10 months our little man is trying his hardest to learn to walk, spending as much time as possible confidently standing, with support from a toy or a table or a helping hand. He does a little jive when music plays and loves laughing at his mama and papa's silly antics. He's truly a joy. An effervescent personality is emerging day by day, much to our delight. Here he is with his neighbor buddy, Lila, who is nearly the same age. So fun to watch them grow up together.


Holt said...

How is the falling coming along? It has occured to me that standing is easily mastered compared to the difficult art of falling. The image of your baby falling and the shout of "Timber!" has been coming to me lately.....with each skill comes another set of subskills that also need to be learned.

Holt said...

The image of Callum falling and someone shouting "Timber!" in the background has been coming to me. How is he doing with the difficult art of falling? That is a vital skill-I have a 4-year old nephew who honestly still does not have a clue.
Warmest regards to your little munchkin!

Little C and Little J said...

Hmm. Not that much better. How is sleep?