Thursday, April 3, 2008

11 Astounding, Amazing, and Interesting Facts about our 11-month old Little Man!!

1. He LOVES walking..holding onto our hands or with a walking toy. He still isn't interested in crawling but could walk all day if our backs were up to it! And, he wears a goofy grin the whole time because he is so proud of himself.

2. He LOVES eating...and will take anything. Seaweed, tofu, black beans, scrambled eggs, you name it and he will eat it.
3. He loves eating finger food and is very adept at getting it into his mouth. Very little ends up on the floor or on his seat! We are always amazed.
4. He has mastered the sippy cup. In fact, often while eating he will hold onto his sippy cup with one hand taking a sly sip when he isn't chewing or eating. He's even started to fuss about taking a bottle because he knows he can do the sippy cup just fine, thank you.
5. He really enjoys his 'chunky' lego table and stands playing with it forever. He used to enjoy throwing the pieces and hearing them crash on the floor but just recently he has started putting the pieces in different locations on the table and trying to spin them.

6. He loves being outside. And, will start crying if the front door is shut on him.
7. He LOVES watching cars go bye outside and always looks up at us wanting us to hold his hands so he can walk to the intersection for a closer look at all the cars. We get lots of smiles and waves from passengers.
8. He has a definite timid streak and takes a little while to warm up to people. He does it by burying his head in mama's shoulder and sneaking peaks at the new visitors. After doing this for a while he reaches out to touch their face, usually the nose. After about a half an hour he can warm up to a group and then he wants to walk...again.
9. He can spin like a top on his bottom. When his frustration overwhelms him because he can't get around on his own, he eventually starts just moving in circles trying to reach toys that are out of reach.
10. He is beginning to show that he can understand us. When mama says, "Where is Papa?", he starts looking around for Kieran. And when we say, "Would you like to eat?" he will take our hand and make us walk him to the high chair.

11. And, the most amazing and heartbreaking thing about our 11 months old (not-so) baby is that he will give us kisses when we ask for them. We have to say "Can I have a kiss, Callum?" and he will slow down, put his lips in the kiss position and press them against our cheeks. Try that at the end of a long day of work and you are a stoic fool that doesn't get choked up.

1 comment:

Mari Brown said...

i can't believe this little man is 11 months old. he is so beautiful, precious, amazing, strong in these pictures and in your description of him. it brought tears to my eyes to read about the heartbreaking kisses at the end of a long day of work. i send him my love until i can meet him in person. love to parents, are you Mama & Papa? --mari