Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Parenting Lessons

When your child is sprouting tears at the slightest bump, refusing to eat even their favorite foods, doing things (like hitting) that are completely out of character, is unable to make up their mind "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!", and wearing a frown all day long without once doing the happy dance (arms swinging in the air while hopping back and forth) they are NOT being two, as you like to call it. They are, in fact, sick.

You will discover this during dinner when they get sick all over themselves, you, and the floor. It will be reinforced when you cup your hands so they have somewhere to put the sick and it spills over the side of your hands and you wonder how such a small person can create so much sick. Consider us humbled.

Of course, as quick as it comes it is gone. So, during our sick day at home we got a chance to line up our trucks and sing songs and read books and help change the babies' diapers and on and on...
Here I am singing my new songs. Grandma Pat, the swish, swish, swish is from the wheels on the bus book and is my new thing. It makes an appearance in nearly ever song I sing. Sorry, once again, that it is sideways.

1 comment:

h said...

awwww, i hope callum is feeling better and i love the songs:) thank you very much!!!