Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Judebug at 7 months

As unbelievable as it sounds, J is already 7 months old. He is one happy guy with a smile for everyone. He is also loud! When he wants you to hear him, he knows how to raise his voice. Callum often says, "stop yellin' at me Jude" when he's just babbling. He is getting pretty good at sitting independently and loves it. He is still not fond of rolling but is strong enough to nearly launch himself out of our arms when he's being held. He hates napping, it truly seems he doesn't want to miss out on the action but he sleeps pretty well at night, most of the time.


Flor said...

Hi Kieran & Mellisa
Young Flor here (Kierans Cousin), mum made me aware of your blog, its great to see how the new branch of the Crowley Clan is getting on across the water. I am sure once Jude can walk Kieran will have himself and Calum out playing “Crowley Rules” just like Kieran played back in Inchinagotagh– I will let Kieran explain.

Flor said...

Hi Kieran & Mellisa
Young Flor here, mum made me aware of your blog, its great to see how the new branch of the Crowley Clan is getting on across the water. I am sure once Jude can walk Kieran will have himself and Calum out playing “Crowley Rules” just liked Kieran played back in Inchinagotagh– I will let Kieran explain.

Little C and Little J said...

Flor, I will have to inquire about 'crowley rules'. Though, you know what they say "What happens in Inchinagotagh stays in Inchinagotagh." -Melissa