Friday, January 8, 2010

A little bit about us...

J: I am 9 months old already and I have one tooth. I can push myself backwards and am DAYS away from being able to crawl. I'm fascinated by my brother, I laugh when he laughs and even cry when he cries (excepting those times that I find it funny, which drives him nuts.) I am also on the cusp of cruising around on furniture and can roll from my back to my stomach. I love social situations and love watching people, especially those people that like to make silly faces at me. I can say "ga" "blah" "goo" and a few other syllables. I like to say them loud!! I used to like sleeping but that phase has passed, I'd rather stay up and prefer a bitty nap and then a wake-up in the middle of the night, much to my parent's chagrin. I can pick up cheerios and pretty effectively get them into my mouth. This discovery has meant mom and dad can actually eat dinner, too. But, give me a bottle and I will slam it against the table and spray water everywhere!

C: I love music and firefighter boots. I'm still a bit shy but after about 20 minutes with someone new I will talk your ear off for the next several hours. I give my legs, feet and arms names. Right now, my left leg is named Ben and my right leg is named Len. I love puzzles and cars but I'm not that crazy about art projects (sorry mom!). I've got a special little dance that I do when I'm especially happy. I'm pretty crazy about my little brother, I like to check in with him and give him little hugs. I've become a big boy since he came along and I kind of like that job. I like to sing to him when he is upset and say things like "It's ok, Judebug." I call lotion, palotion and my parents find it too cute to correct. I love palotion and 'need' to use it alot. I like a thick spread on my hands that I just keep rubbing in over and over. I've become a pretty picky eater but there is the rare occasion when I can eat my weight in broccoli. I love reading books, and my mom gets scared during some of our scary book like Where the Wild Things are, so I have to cuddle with her to help her feel better. I love to stay at home, a true homebody, and have to be coaxed to go out and do something. Once my dad said, "Let's go on an adventure to the museum!" and I said, "Let's go on an adventure on the porch!!"

J and C: We are a pretty happy pair of boys. We think our parents are pretty lucky! If they weren't so tired they might have an easier time recognizing this fact.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

you're so cute. and before 6am...