Monday, October 6, 2008

10 Reasons Cal is going to make a Great Big Brother

Our 17-month old little guy is going to make a great older brother for lots of reasons but these are the top 10 most important ones:

1. Safety Conscious: He is very good at picking up small objects off the floor or ground and giving them to us, especially tiny leaves and seeds and rocks. He calls them a-bit.
2. Auditory Skills: He can identify a train (trey, trey, trey), airplane (a-men, a-men, a-men), school bus (ga-ba, ga-ba, ga-ba) and bus (ba, ba, ba) just through sound. This is always handy for an older bro, right?
3. Verbal Development: He rarely says a word once, it usually has to be repeated a few times...great for helping a baby develop verbal skills.
4. Help Staving Off Hunger: He's really good at dropping food off his high chair tray, which will leave lots of extra for a crawling baby.
5. Alternative Communication: He has the ability to completely stuff his mouth with food and then sign for 'more'. Again, a useful skill to pass on baby sign language.
6. Love of the Arts: He loves music and is sure to pass this on with his constant requests for either Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (Ba, ba!); I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee (bum-ba, bum-ba, bum-ba); or Itsy-Bitsy Spider (is-see, is-see, is-see all while holding his hands with his fingertips touching).

7. Positivity: He loves to clap and say "yay!" after a song ends, even if it's muzak at the grocery store.

8. Creative Endeavours: He will likely pass on a great ability to improvise. For instance, bulldozers, which are great fun are hard to pronounce so he just calls them am-ama. Why not?

9. A love of reading! He loves to read and frequently asks to have a book read to him. At the same time, he knows when enough is enough and you just have to skip a bunch of pages, close the book and say ba-bye.

10. The ever-important mischief: He will know how to help his younger sibling get up to a bit of trouble. He's just figured out that you can really freak out the parents if you go in the pantry, shut the door, and stay really, really quiet...they don't know where you are!

He'll certainly come up with more older brother tricks of the trade between now and April, but this seems like a good start.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What a great big brother he is going to be! A & O were 25 mos. when M was born and it's been a good spread age-wise. There always IS food on the floor for M to scavenge.