Monday, October 6, 2008

A Life Full of Surprises

Life continues to present us with great big and wonderful surprises. We've been really lucky like that and it turns out that the next few years with be no different. So, the big announcement is that early next April we will be welcoming another little person into our lives! We just found out half a dozen weeks ago and so have started making the rounds with the doctors and everything looks like it's going great. Mama hasn't been too sick, just pretty tired but no real complaints at all. We are trying to teach Cal about how you have to be gentle with babies and he is obsessed with pointing at pictures of babies so that seems a good start. Of course, when Kieran holds Teddy and pretends its a baby and rocks him gently, little C grabs him out of his arms, puts Teddy's nose in his mouth and walks around with him like that. This is his everyday preferred method for holding Teddy but the timing is certainly interesting. Hmmm.


e said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! April 3rd is a great day to have a baby! Can't wait to watch your family grow!

Beth said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations to all of you. I'm happy to hear that you are feeling well. One unexpectedly awesome part of having more kids, for us, is watching their relationships develop with eachother. It's amazing.