Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Adventures in the Pumpkin Patch

It was another gorgeous and sunny weekend for us, with just a bit more of a chill in the air. We were lucky enough to have Grandma Crowley in town to play with us and Paige and her family organized a day out to a pumpkin patch. And, what a pumpkin patch it was...with petting zoos (yes, multiple!) and hay rides and straw jumps and corn mazes and, oh yeah, pumpkins too. Mama even got to enjoy her guiltiest pleasure...deep fried oreos (don't judge until you try them!).

We are continually amazed at how well Cal and Paige get along and have similar personalities. They are so excited to see eachother but are good at giving eachother space and sharing toys. They are also both really good at letting the world know when they are DONE and it is time to pack up and head home. It's such fun to watch them continue to get along and enjoy eachother so well. It's kind of hard to tell in this photo but they are holding hands as they tromp through the patch together.
The best part, of course, of the whole day was the hay ride led by a tractor. Callum was mesmerized and we had to sit as close as possible to the tractor and both he and Paige just stared as it tugged us along. In the excitement of everything, we all forgot to even bring home pumpkins! But, who needs pumpkins when you have memories like these, right?!

Callum LOVED having his grandma around and kept repeating 'ga-ma, ga-ma, ga-ma' and bringing her books and toys. Even now, a few days later he is still wondering where she is and looking around the house for her. At one point, he nearly tripped over my legs as he bypassed me to give grandma his teddy bear. I'm still licking my wounded ego.

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