Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kitty Daycare and Other Tales

We are beginning to get wonderful little peeks at Cal's budding imagination. Here are some of the best tall tales:

-The cat escaped the house the other day and I was outside with Callum saying, "Where is that cat? Where did she go? Callum, where do you think the cat is?" and he says, "She's at her daycare, Mama."

- He put sand on his feet in the sandbox and said, "I can walk anymore Mama" and then proceeded to break his feet 'free'

- He insists that his trailer truck would like to join us for book reading and then sits resting his arm on it the whole time, like it's an old friend.

-He reads his book and sings "Wheels on the Bus" to his school bus because the book has a school bus in it.

-He said to me, "I ate a giraffe. I ate a delivery truck. I ate a bumblebee. I ate a baby." with a mischevious little grin.

Can't wait to watch it grow!

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