Friday, June 5, 2009

Time to Celebrate!

As the school year winds down and summer starts up it means it is time for the annual preschool party! They really do up this event--rent a hall, provide snacks, prepare a slideshow, balloons, the whole bit. For the 4 year olds that will head off to kindergarten in the fall, they even make yellow graduation hats, have them process down the aisle and give them diplomas. This was the first year that Callum was aware of the whole party and he LOVED seeing all his friends. He would announce each friend as he saw them come in! It was great fun and Jude, feeling pretty overwhelmed slept in Papa's arms. The highlight for us was that the kids had prepared a song, practiced it, and sang it in front of everyone. Of course, most of them forgot to sing and just stood there shell-shocked. Cal focused REALLY HARD on ringing the bells he had been given and then was immensely proud of the whole performance. It was good fun...and, to be honest, the only party I've been to in two years so I had to live it up.

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