Saturday, May 30, 2009


There are two foriegn languages being spoken in our household these days and the natives are doing their very best to interpret. The first is toddler and the second is newborn.
In toddler, we have been able to discern that "I didn't have any applesauce today, Papa." means ..."and if I don't get some for dinner I'm going to be really upset". Also, "I'm not hitting Baby Jood," a decidely more difficult translation considering there hasn't even been anything close to hitting of Baby Jood and therefore has never been a need for us as parents to say "no hitting Baby Jood". We can only take it to mean, "I'd kind of like to hit Baby Jood but I'm not going to because I know that wouldn't be nice."
In newborn: "Eh. Eh. Eh" means "If somebody doesn't pick me up I'm gonna BLOW!" and "Ah Goo" means "You guys are the best parents in the whole world and I just think you two are funny, attractive, kind, creative, smart, and just all around great". Of course, we can't be sure about that last one, it's just a guess.

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