Monday, May 4, 2009

Jude's First Month

It has gone by so fast, mostly because the rest of life hasn't slowed down! But, a full month has passed since we greeted Jude Patrick. It has already been very eventful as he celebrated Callum's 2nd birthday and has been introduced to a million cars and trucks, albeit subconsciously. He's getting big and has great strength in his neck. He's awake a bit more these days and might have even cracked a smile (though the experts would say it's gas, Pshaw! Although, he could win an Olympic sport when he does pass gas, it breaks the sound barrier, truly). He finally lost his umbilical cord stub, too. He's getting lots of love from all three members of his family (not counting the cat, who really could care less.) and loves spending time in his Mama and Papa's arms.

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