Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This Weekend's Theme was...

...how much time can we possibly spend outside. Callum could not get enough of the great outdoors this weekend. Whether it was pushing trucks in the yard, running alongside his buddy at the park, walking down the street or moving sand around the sandbox he was happiest outside. He probably spent 7-8 hours out each day. Once we were able to coax him back indoors he was exhausted and slept like a rock. There is a reason so many parents are smiling right now.

With big brother taking some big naps Jude was able to get in some special sleep time with Mama. He's getting bigger every day and is quite the sociable guy. He loves smiling and is starting to grab at things. His smile is fantastic, very broad and he always squints his eyes as if he is laughing uproariously. It's super contagious and we've caught ourselves laughing out loud just seeing it.

Our little JP has recently started drinking from the bottle, which has been good for everyone. Papa gets some special time with the baby and Cal and Mama get to go on adventures together, which is really important to Cal right now. As we were driving to play in a friends kiddie pool Cal asked, "Not going daycare, Mama?" "Nope. Cal and Mama are going on a special trip together, just you and me" to which he said, "I like this time right now." Me too little buddy. Me too.

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